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Active Family Chiropractic

Dr. Greg Swistak of Active Family Chiropractic specializes in treating chronic and acute pain using a combination of chiropractic, acupuncture and massage therapy. We are a family practice that serves children, adults and seniors.

If your extra body weight has become the reason for your joint pain then you must take chiropractic help. Active Family care center is that offer chiropractic care for joint or muscles pain in the process of losing weight. We can be your way to a healthy and fit life. To get the benefits from the services of best Potomac chiropractic MD, visit us.


Rockville Chiropractor MD

Life becomes a struggle for those who suffer from mental stress or physical pain. if you are also suffering from pain or stress then Rockville chiropractor MD help you in dealing with pain or stress in daily life. Our professional give effective treatment that suits your body and help you in achieving a healthy life. To get the consultation of an expert chiropractor, visit us.




Lower Back Pain Treatment Near Gaithersburg MD

Stop suffering from lower back Pain without medicine. At active family Chiropractic, we offer lower back pain treatment near Gaithersburg for all ages.  We treat chronic neck and back pain as well as auto, sports and work injuries.

Source: http://swistakchiro.com/lower-back-pain-treatment